Like other young women in the early 1970's, Annette Nickel began her career as an administrative assistant at what was then called simply "the phone company."
Soon, she began riding a wave of change then sweeping the industry by signing up for a "non-traditional" job — in 1978, she became an installation & repair technician. A photo from that moment in her career is featured in the 2005 SBC History Calendar, along with pictures commemorating 11 other significant developments in the company's past.
The calendar is now available from the SBC Pioneers. Profits from the calendar sales support local Pioneer community service projects.
Today, Nickel is a telecom specialist in Milwaukee. Back then, all she wanted to do was work outside. She put in for a transfer, got it — and quickly switched from office clothes to long johns for the cold Wisconsin winter. She learned to climb poles, work in crawl spaces and deal with angry dogs.
"I learned a lot about construction, and really loved being around other technicians. It was hard work, but fun. I'm glad I had the experience, which prepared me for many other assignments at SBC," Nickel recalls.
A joint project of the Pioneers and the SBC Archives and History Center, the 2005 SBC History calendar costs $ 10 plus shipping. It has photos from all thirteen (13) SBC states, many of them illustrating our commitment to service across the decades, including restoring and maintaining service after natural disasters.
PLEASE NOTE: Your shipping charge will be adjusted from $ 5.95 to $ 3.00 by us after you place your order if the only item you're ordering is a 2005 SBC History Calendar!!!