The "Wet Pack Carrier Deluxe™" has an insulated and leak-proof Wet Pack built-in to our Folding Trunk Organizer – in addition to a storage compartment on each side of the Wet Pack Carrier™. Imagine the serenity you will feel and enjoy when you are driving around the city, hills or suburbs with a load of groceries (or other misc. items), and suddenly you have to stomp on the brakes! TA-DA, EVERYTHING YOU HAVE STORED in your Wet Pack Carrier Deluxe™ will simply remain perfectly in place. No rolling bottles or cans, no tipped drinks or liquids, no bruised produce, no broken eggs, no spilling hot dishes or birthday cakes and one of the best things of all; NO HAVING TO BEND OVER, LEAN DOWN OR REACH UNDER ANYTHING in order to collect your groceries when you get to you final destination. Simply open your door, hatch or trunk, reach down and grab your things from the exact same spot that you originally placed them. It is a wonderful feeling – it truly removes some of the stress of driving, and we have even been told that it makes the whole grocery shopping experience more pleasant.
NOTE: The Wet Pack Carrier Deluxe™ is the style pictured on Top with the Silver
Flap Open. It will be Screen Printed in White on one (1) end with the AT&T Pioneers Logo.