NOTE: ALL current employees of AT&T have either received or will be receiving a copy of this book from our Chairman, Mr. Whitacre. Due to the overwhelming response to the book, additional copies were made available for friends, family members, and retirees of AT&T & Associated Companies, who expressed interest in purchasing additional copies.
More than 120 years of dramatic history brought the telecommunications industry to the merger of SBC and AT&T, and the fascinating story of Bell System then and now is told in a unique and impressive new commemorative book, at&t. Your world. Delivered. And you can get your copy of this special, limited-production book from the Pioneers.
Produced and published by AT&T, the 74-page book uses historic photographs and documents from the company archives to tell the story – from Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the first working telephone in 1878 to the coming transformation of the communications and entertainment industry by the new AT&T of today. The full-color, innovative book traces familiar and little known developments that brought us to this historic merger in 2005, and will shape the industry and our lives through the next century. Opening with a special message from Chairman and CEO Ed Whitacre, the book also takes a look at the special people of AT&T – who we are and what we believe in.
The total cost you will be charged is $ 10.00 and that includes shipping. There will be no discount given on this limited production book since additional copies of these books are being used as an AT&T Pioneers fundraiser with 100% of the proceeds going to the AT&T Pioneers Disaster Relief Fund which was depleted after the AT&T Pioneers helped so many employees families during the Hurricane season last year.
NOTE: If this book is the only item you're ordering, the $ 6.95 shipping charge will be waived and updated by us manually to $ 0.00 shipping after you place your order on-line. No need to request that the shipping charges of $ 6.95 be waived because we will take care of that on our end. Disregard any shipping charges included on emails sent to you after you place your order or after your order has been shipped. $ 10.00 is the total amount you will be charged for each book your order.