The Pioneer Shoppe/eShoppe Exclusive. Trace the Bell logo from its inception through divestiture. Cream background with navy logo's on parchment paper. Print dimensions are 8 inches in width by 36 inches in length.
1889-1900 - AT&T reaches its initial goal, opening a long distance line connecting New York and Chicago. The circuit could handle only one call at a time. The price was $9 for the first five minutes.
1900-1921 - Theodore Vail begins his second term as the
President of AT&T. Vail develops the philosophy, strategy,
and the structure that guides AT&T and the Bell System for the next seventy years.
1921-1939 - The first broadcast of a football game
(Univ. of Chicago vs. Princeton) is sent in October of 1922
over telephone wire from Chicago to New York City.
1939-1964 - AT&T Bell Laboratory scientists John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invent the transistor, the first solid state amplifier or switch, and lay the foundation for modern electronics.
1964-1969 - The FCC reaches its Carterfone decision
which opens the way for competition in the customer-owned
equipment market. AT&T introduces 911 as a nationwide
emergency number.
1969-Present - AT&T opens its first Network Operations
Center in Bedminster, N.J. achieving active management of its entire long distance network from a single location.
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