Looking for a great gift idea for the upcoming holiday season? For only $8 you can get the first edition of the SBC Missouri Pioneers Heritage Cookbook. Over 100 SBC employees and retirees contributed over 250 recipes for this unique cookbook.
What is so unique about this cookbook? In addition to the recipes, this cookbook was designed to highlight the heritage of our state and our company. Our Missouri heritage begins with the front cover that displays the St. Louis skyline with the arch, as well as some of our national treasures - a truly inspirational scene in today's patriotic times. Scattered throughout the book are pictures of our telephone heritage from right here in the state of Missouri, dating all the way back to the 1880's. Did you know that the very first mobile phone in the country made its national debut in St. Louis in 1946? Take a look at a picture of this new invention in action, as well as other scenes from our past. Also found at the front of the cookbook is a history of the Pioneers and our "Spirit of Service" heritage.
As if recipes and visions of our heritage weren't enough, the cookbook also contains several other wonderful features:
Food measurements and conversion charts, glossary of cooking terms, calorie charts, nutrition facts, herbs & spices descriptions and uses, ingredients glossary, napkin folding techniques, dinner setting layouts, and food substitutions chart.
Only 500 of these cookbooks were produced, with about 250 pre-sold. So get your order in today while they are still available. Released 9/18/2003.