Viletta Telephone Centennial Cups. Box lists United States Bicentennial 1776-1976 / Telephone Centennial 1876/1976 - Telephone Pioneers of America.
Box is in good condition with one (1) partially split corner on box lid. Cups are approximately 4 1/4" height with a pedestal style base. Bottom lists "Fine China by Viletta Roseburg Oregon USA" in Green lettering. Gold trim around bottom rim and handles. One side has the Bicentennial In God We Trust United States
of America 1776-1976 and the Liberty Bell. The opposite side has Centennial 100 years of telephone service 1876-1976 with 4 different images of telephones through the years - 1876 Telephone, 1907 Telephone, 1919 Telephone and 1964 Telephone. Cups are in excellent condition. Very nice Vintage set.
NOTE: One (1) set available at this time.